All posts by CalcTastic

Version 6.6

Hi all,

I just released Version 6.6 which adds the option to use RPN mode with an input buffer.  This will be familiar to anyone who’s used an HP48 or similar calculator.  There are some minor fixes and improvements as well.

Version 6.5.1

Hi all,

I just released an update that fixed a few issues some users were having.  If you had increased your system font sizes, this would have affected the app unexpectedly.  Also, I have turned off full screen (hiding of the status bar) when split-screen was active.

  • Fixed an issue when using split-screen while hiding the status bar.
  • Fixed an issue when the system font-sizes were set larger than the default.

Version 6.5

Hi all,

I just released the latest update which adds split-screen support to Android Nougat (or higher) devices. Sorry for the delay on this feature but the built-in support for selecting layouts (and font-sizes) works well for some parameters but not for aspect-ratio.

Anyhow, there are three keyboards (portrait, landscape and square). Square was previously only for tablets but split-screen changes that. The system will automatically pick the best keyboard and screen height for the size it is given and every device is a bit different. I did my best to unify the three keyboards while changing as little as possible.

A few side effects of adding split-screen is that now the free version gets landscape support. The two features are not mutually exclusive. Also, all orientations now get a scrolling display and all orientations for the programmer-mode will now get the binary-bit display.

Version 6.4

Hi all,

I just released Version 6.4 which lets you choose one of two Algebraic Modes (Prefix & Postfix). Prefix allows you to enter calculations as you would read them, while postfix allows you to enter numbers first, then the operations.

This way, everyone gets what they want :)

Version 6.3

Hi all,

I just released an update that’s been requested by many, many folks. Algebraic Calculations in Expression View are now entered just like you would read them. Here’s the full change list:

  • Algebraic mode now more closely matches textbook-style entry. Calculation expressions can be entered as you would read them. You can now enter 3sin(45) as you see it.
  • Complex i and all constants (like π) are now treated as variables. You can now enter as you see it. This also works in RPN mode.
  • Operator precedence has been lowered for functions MOD, NCR, NPR and Δ%. This more closely matches industry-standard computational engines (example on Wolfram Alpha). They now sit just below the S in PEMDAS.